This is the scene in my dining room.
It’s looked this way for a week now, because I came home sick from Dragon*Con AND I’M STILL SICK. I’m a healthy person. I’m not used to these illnesses that take two weeks to clear up. After seven days I have to admit…this is driving me nuts. Granted I’ve caught up on pretty much all the TV I’ve ever wanted to watch — my two new favorite shows are "Castle" and "Lie To Me" — Nathan Fillion just makes us authors look GOOD, and Tim Roth is, well, TIM ROTH, only he Hugh Lauries it up a bit.
There’s a Dragon*Con Top Ten post coming. I have notes and everything. I’ve even started writing it. But I also have to get back to other work, and I don’t want to leave you guys hanging.
So here are my pics from yes, the Best Dragon*Con Evar, and here are my best friend and Con Roomie Chris McCormick’s. The Sideshow was standing room only. The Hour With Sherrilyn Kenyon had over 1000 people. Our signing lasted two hours. The parade was marvelous.
And I still maintain it was worth every minute of my current misery.
I am so very sorry you got Con crud.
Speaking of pictures, this is you, right?
At least, we thought it was you when we took the picture.
Thanks for having me in your Sideshow.
That’s me!! Thanks!
Awesome picture.
Con-crud is such the SUCK!
All that I have accomplished with all the stuff that came home with me from Con is getting the dirty clothes washed.
Are you going to be at Moonlight & Magnolias the first weekend of October? I need to find and buy some other books by you…
Nope — but I will be at Horrorfind and GMX, apparently.
well then, I will most likely see you at Dragon*Con next year. *shrug* I don’t really get away much…
I smell a New Year’s Resolution. 🙂
nah. Money is tight and we have 3 kids. Probably not going to plan more vacations! However, I may make it a resolution to write one haiku a day next year.