One of the original items on my to-do list that launched May 2011’s Month of Writers here on the site was a series of interviews I planned with the contributors of How To Write Magical Words: A Writer’s Companion. Are you familiar with the Magical Words site? If you’re a writer, you should be! The contributing bloggers there are…
With all these interviews at hand, I believe I shall dub May 2011 my Month of Writers, here on the blog.Be sure to drop by next week–Magical Words Week — when I interview several of the contributors to the Magical Words writing blog. Today my guest is fellow Codexian and Orson Scott Card Bootcamper, fledgling speculative fiction author Kat…
Lettuce, milk, bread, cereal…boys? Yes indeed–that’s what’s on the grocery list of Dafina author Nia Stephens in her new young adult series Boy Shopping. Genre Chick Alethea Kontis met Nia at the mall to ask her about this unique, modern, choose-your-own-adventure series–and to try on some fabulous shoes. ************** Nashville’s Nia Stephens and I stroll down the shiny wood…
This month, Genre Chick Alethea Kontis gets past the nerd gate of subculture slang and learns to grok everything from Basic Faire Accent to Ciazarn. Our professor today is Luc Reid, award-winning author of the chunky, entertaining reference book Talk the Talk: The Slang of 65 American Subcultures. ************************** Alethea Kontis: How long did it take to write Talk…
He’s been a police officer, federal agent, organized crime prosecutor, and private investigator–now he’s an author of young adult historical fantasy. This month, Genre Chick Alethea Kontis interrupts the fascinating Judson Roberts in the midst of writing his debut Strongbow Saga series to talk about book one: Viking Warrior and to pick his brain for juicy stories from his…