My Coastal Magic 2018 Schedule

THIS THURSDAY kicks off the weekend we’ve been waiting for all winter long–Coastal Magic Con in Daytona Beach, FL! Dance parties, fun and games, and the opportunity to hang out with some of my closest writer friends ON THE BEACH! Here’s my schedule for the weekend. (Between panels, you can find me at Leanna Renee Hieber’s vendor table.) ************************…


A List of Some Awesome Authors on Patreon

It seems Patreon was on everyone’s brain the other night. While I was at Orlando Book Festival, a few budding authors asked me how to launch a Patreon campaign–I recommended they first Follow a few established authors already there. It’s good to see what variety of content is being created for Patrons right now…because there are some really talented…


Authors: Make Money on the Intarwebs!

Like any author worth her salt on the intarwebs nowadays, I try to make a little bit of money everywhere. Stress on the word LITTLE…but I keep telling myself that eventually, this will all pick up and will be a nice steady little Starbucks budget to support this crazy writing habit I have. Things I have monetized: 1.) Short…