I Have a New Publicist

I have a new publicist. She’s 11. As of now she’s almost on par with my parents for getting the word out about ENCHANTED. Mom and Dad have started handing out flyers, genuinely and personally, to people they encounter throughout their day. My Little Publicist brags about knowing me to all her friends, and hand-decorates sidewalks. Everything about this…


The Tale of The Fairy GodBoyfriend

This week over at the Waterworld Mermaids site, we’ve been telling love stories. Today is my day to contribute, and so I have offered up to the world the (very abridged) story of Princess Alethea and The Fairy GodBoyfriend. You’ve all wanted to know how we met? Well, here it is. But you have to click over to the…


Marlene Contest Now Open to Entries!

As you know, I’m a member of the infamous WRW (Washington Romance Writers) group. (Yes, that’s the one of which Nora Roberts is also a member.) Every year, we hold a writing contest called the Marlenes. And it’s time for the 2012 Marlene contest! ******************************* Polish your manuscript and submit it for a chance to win!  The 3 finalists…


Maryland Renaissance Festival

Things got busy and the to-do list got longer, and this item sat up at the top, happily ignored until the Fairy Godboyfriend said, “Hey, did you ever upload those pics from the Maryland Renaissance Festival?” So now I have. And I’m glad I did, because there are some really great pics here. Hooray for iPhones! We went on…


Designer Shoes

It was written in the stars. Always has been. I had my tarot told once at the Llewellyn booth at a Publisher’s Showcase. Scott laid all the cards on the table and stared at them a moment with that contemplative face all doctors make. Then he put his palms flat on the table, leaned over to me, and said:…