Clearly Not a Fan

Things will be sporadic on the blog here this week — my holiday season’s not over yet! On Wednesday I’m flying to Florida for Christmas with my parents and sister. And next week is PRINCESS ALETHEA’S BIG BIRTHDAY TIARA SPECTACULAR! (Do you have your tiara ready yet?) In the meantime I wanted to share with you this humbling Christmas…


The Birthday Dilemma

Okay, guys. I need your help on this one. My sister and I were once discussing our favorite numbers. My mother pondered aloud what her own favorite number might be. Without missing a beat, my sister and I immediately spouted “35.” It’s always been 35 with my mother. “I have told you 35 times to empty that dishwasher” or…


Thank You, Examiner!

A lovely FOUR STAR review just in for AlphaOops: H is for Halloween— this one from The Examiner in Charleston, South Carolina. Heather Keuhl, Charleston Paranormal Fiction Examiner (how would you like THAT on your business cards?) says: AlphaOops! H is for Halloween is an adorable book that parents and children will fall in love with. Each letter as their…


If I Could Wave My Magic Wand

1990. Ninth grade. Casey and I were in the midst of our writing heyday. We were churning out poetry and short stories by the truckload–I had a novel in the works, and between us (and Margo and Chris) we had a collaborative novel that was already a legend among our set. We were romantic young teens who bought matching…


Monday Night Football Princess

While I sit here and sort-of-watch Monday Night Football with the Fairy GodBoyfriend (FGB), I am reminiscing on the game from last night, notably the Redskins &  Cowboys game in which the Cowboys lost in the last three seconds by simultaneously scoring a touchdown and a holding penalty. Yes, really. I don’t wish I was their coach last night….


Move Over, Fairy

My little sister gets her conversational ideas from the Sedaris family. This might concern anyone who has heard, read, or seen anything by David or Amy Sedaris. (Not counting the personal thank you note Soteria has framed by her door; the family photos are relegated to refrigerator magnets.) This would concern me, if a.) we weren’t half Greek and…


Spoleto Events

Every year when I come down for Spoleto’s kickoff, I try and make it to at least one of the events that Soteria and Charles are ushering. In doing so I’ve seen some amazing things–from the Alvin Ailey dance troupe to some very interesting performance art about a rabbit. This year I have tickets to two events: Les Ballets…


Only A Sister

If you have a sister (or similar close-in-age sibling with whom you spent your formative years in the trenches), you will recognize this scenario. ********************************************************* INT. NIGHT, HOME OF SOTERIA & CHARLES It is late Saturday night. ALETHEA has just arrived in Charleston after a not-so-grueling-but-still-eight-hour drive down the Eastern Seaboard. SOTERIA and CHARLES have offered her a seat…


Triangle Wins

Last night we went to a very strange venue to see Charles’ friend Lizzie Wright play. It was a very intimate show, meaning that we all ended up with musical instruments. I totally snagged the Triangle. Cause everyone knows: Triangle Man always wins.


Made in Carolina

Soteria and Charles were recently featured in Skirt Magazine because they are Charleston’s Cutest Couple. Look at this picture and tell me I’m wrong: There’s a snippet of the article here. Bonus points to Charles for using “acci-purposely.” Kontis Sister assimilation is what that is. 🙂