The Best Halloween Gift! 🎃

THE BEST HALLOWEEN GIFT – and a Junior Library Guild Selection! ⭐️🎃⭐️ CLICK to buy AlphaOops: H is for Halloween for a spooky kid today! (PS: That spooky kid can totally be you) *as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases


2020 Awards Consideration Post – Alethea Kontis

Hello, everyone! Here is a comprehensive list of all the work I put out this year. (If you know of something that is not on this list, chances are, it was postponed until 2021.) If you would like to nominate something for an award (thank you!), I highly recommend my SF short “Sassi’s Last Ride” from the My Battery…


Part of Your World–Essays, Podcasts, and Awards

The finalists for the 2018 Hugo Awards were recently announced. No surprise, I wasn’t among them. And yet…I kind of was. This year, Neil Clarke–of Clarkesworld Magazine–was shortlisted for Best Editor, Short Form, and Escape Pod finaled under Best Semiprozine. How do I factor into these two things, do you ask? The answer is here, in my latest essay…


Alethea’s 2016 DragonCon Schedule

Here it is, folks! Technically, it’s still tentative, so be sure to double check these on the app and in the program booklet. Convention Dates are Fri(9/2/16), Sat(9/3/16), Sun(9/4/16), and Mon(9/5/16). I will be arriving on Wednesday with Bianca Roman-Stumpff so that I can help her set up in Pop Art Alley on Thursday. Bianca has kindly offered to…


The Unbreakable Princess Alethea

(I should totally have my own television show with this title. Right? Netflix, call me.) * Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Nor does one expect, after months of carefully planning two simultaneous conferences (BEA and the SFWA Nebula Awards weekend), a spectacularly sprained ankle. It sounds like such a small thing, doesn’t it? Yet, this sprain was severe enough…


In Which Edmund Schubert Withdraws From the Hugos

Edmund Schubert is a dear friend and has been since IGMS was but a twinkle in Orson Scott Card’s eye. For this reason (and because he has no true platform of his own from which to speak), I am posting this on his behalf. I fully support Edmund in his decision. He continues to have my love and respect….


It’s An Honor to be Nominated…Again!

I’ve had a really strange experience with contests in the RWA (Romance Writers Association). The year Enchanted came out, I asked my publisher for a box of books so that I might submit them to a bunch of RWA Chapter contests. I mean, Enchanted won the Gelett Burgess Award right out of the gate, so it was a shoe…


Fairy Tale Podcast

Yesterday, I posted about how I am now eligible for this year’s Parsec Awards because I have been narrating stories for Cast of Wonders and Pseudopod. Um…HELLO…I ALSO NARRATE PODCASTS OF MY OWN HERE ON THIS WEBSITE. *sigh* Sometimes The Brain, she no work. The podcasts I post here (also available via iTunes) are called “Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale…