Now available for your listening pleasure: PodCastle 734: An Incomplete Account of the Case of the Bird-Talker of Yaros
Author : Eleanna Castroianni Narrator : Alethea Kontis Host : Matt Dovey
PANAYOTIS M., interviewed by Eleni Haji, November 1975
When I first saw her, she was covered in wings. Sea birds flocked to her as if she was honey and they were the bees. Watching from the men’s prison, we could always tell which was her cell window by the cluster of flapping, squawking gulls.
The guards were furious. They would thrash around to drive the birds away or even keep her locked in isolation in windowless rooms. But I know she still spoke to them, all of them. A chirrup here, a cry there. You can’t stop them. Birds carry words, my father used to say. Their wings are speech.