The rules of Tempest’s #PictureGame are simple: Choose a picture and give yourself a moment to think about it. Set the timer for 15 minutes. Then start writing and don’t stop until the timer goes off.
You never know what may happen. At the very least, you’ll have a fun bit of flash to share with your friends. At most, your bff will bully you into writing it out as a novel and selling it to FSG in a very nice two-book deal. (I have no shame. CONGRATS, Tempest!!)
In honor of Tuesday’s official announcement about RUBY VS. THE ROBO-BUG (remember that Picture Game, y’all?), the #MakeArtNotWar Collective decided to get together and play the picture game. Now…I made it a little more challenging for myself (because it’s me!). I chose this photo in honor of our new release of the Castle of Horrors 4: Woman Running From Houses anthology (link to last night’s panel will be on my blog soon!). I also challenged myself to include somewhere the Saturday Songwriters’ Lyric Line of the Week: “In the mists of time.”
The timer was set for 15 minutes…here’s what I came up with. I hope you enjoy it! Please LEAVE A COMMENT and let me know what you think!
And be sure to keep an eye out for other #PictureGame entries from the #MakeArtNotWar Collective, as we continue to celebrate Tempest’s announcement week!
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