I am sad to report that after eight happy years, Candlewick is finally putting ALPHAOOPS: THE DAY Z WENT FIRST out of print in hardcover.
There are only about 50 left in existence — if you’ve ever wanted one–for you or as a gift for a friend — now’s the time to pick one up. You guys get whatever you want, and then I’ll buy the rest.
I still hate that this is happening before AlphaOops: Christmas ever had a shot. There is a sadness in my heart, deep down, and I’m not sure it will ever go away. <3
*hugs* I gave this book and H is for Halloween to a friend’s twin granddaughters. It is their favorite “Letter book” EVERY and they read them all the time.
The truely great books are never forgotten by the children who love them!
Oh no! Your Alphaoops books are my son’s favorites, and mine too! So, there is no way the Christmas book is happening? We were looking forward to it!
I’m trying to get in touch with the illustrator to see if there’s a way we can do it on our own…but as of right now, I’m sorry to say no Christmas book is forthcoming.
Any update on the above discussion? We’re also big fans here and would love for you to do the Christmas book on your own! Merry Christmas to you and all the Alpha Oops letters! 🙂
I would love to do it too! Have an email in to the illustrator, but haven’t heard anything back.
It feels like making this whole project happen is a LOT tougher than it should be. But I won’t give up!!
Oh no! We just discovered your books in our local library and we LOVE them!!! My daughter caught from the end of the Halloween book that a Christmas book would be coming….. She will be very disappointed!!! We enjoyed alpha oops and the Halloween one so much, I hope you continue writing children’s books. You have a gift!
My children all LOVE the AlphaOops books! I’m sad to find out the Christmas book may never happen 🙁
We just reread Alphaoops Halloween and went searching for the christmas one. We were sad to see this post. My daughter is 11 and still loves your two alphabet books. I hope that the Christmas book will become a reality one day!