Win an ARC of ENCHANTED! (International)

I almost don’t even need to advertise this giveaway — Soumi from the Pages from my Thoughts blog posted this giveaway yesterday, and OVER 3300 PEOPLE from all over the world are already signed up to win it! Are you? Why not? You never know… The drawing will happen two weeks from now, when Soumi hosts me on her…


Preorders: Get the WORD Out!

Want a signed and personalized copy of ENCHANTED? Do it right here. ********************************** Alethea Kontis will be coming to WORD in Brooklyn to sign copies of her newest book, Enchanted! Pre-order a signed (and even personalized) copy and we’ll ship it out to you to arrive the week of Enchanted’s release! Just tell us if you’d like it signed…


IGMS Awards Antho FREE on Amazon!

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen — from Saturday, March 24 through (and including) Monday, March 26th, the e-book version of the InterGalactic Medicine Show Awards Anthology, Vol. I will be absolutely positively FREE ON AMAZON. This anthology contains a cast of writers I’m honored to be among…and I’m not just saying that. I honest-to-god LOVE these people. I’ve roomed…


Raffle Necklace Stats

This gorgeous necklace Soteria and I are raffling off contains faceted chunks of light and dark Amethyst with sterling baby chains, complete with sterling clasp and extendable chain. Measures from 16 1/2-19 inches on your neck (more chain can be added if necessary). Want to win it? Click here and Chip In a couple of bucks!


Win This Necklace!

[Edited again to add: Now that Paypal is fixed, Chip In seems to be broken, and the widget with the button for donating money has vanished. You can always contribute to the fund straight to me through PayPal. My address is my email: akontis at gmail dot com. You may also try the alternate Chip In page I have…


Treasured Tales for Young Adults: Interview with Sunday Woodcutter

Entered the Goodreads Contest for ENCHANTED already? Gone on to Amazon and read the excerpt from Chapter One a hundred times? Desperate to know a little bit more about Sunday Woodcutter before the book comes out? Over at Treasured Tales for Young Adults today, there is an interview with Sunday Woodcutter herself! I’ve found that these character interviews are…


I Am Team Katniss

My mini-rant on WaterWorld Mermaids today: “What the Hunger Games is NOT, is a trilogy of romance novels. Sure, there are romantic elements in it, but there are more romantic elements in Castle, and that still qualifies as a Crime Drama. The Hunger Games is dystopian science fiction fantasy. Horror, even. It’s a story of surviving your teenage years–which…


Princess Alethea’s Magical Elixir

And now…the March reviews! Title: Cinder Author: Marissa Meyer EAN: 9780312641894 It is so incredibly wonderful when a delicious book comes along that you gobble up in less than a day . . . and so disappointing when that book doesn’t end. Cinder was described to me as “Cinderella meets The Fifth Element,” so I was on board from page one….


Princess Alethea’s Magical Elixir

There was a snafu last month with the February reviews — everything is fixed now, and they have been posted simultaneously with the March reviews. The IGMS book reviews for February are: Title: Witchlanders Author: Lena Oakley EAN: 9781442420045 Take all the classic elements of fantasy and swirl them around (stirred, not shaken), and you have Witchlanders. There’s nothing…