Princess Alethea’s Magical Elixir

New reviews up at Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show!

Title: Extraordinary: The True Story of My Fairy Godparent, Who Almost Killed Me, and Certainly Never Made Me a Princess
Author: Adam Selzer
EAN: 9780385736497

“Do you believe in fairy tales?” asked the back cover of Extraordinary.

“Why yes, thank you, I do,” I replied to no one in particular.

This book was recommended to me by fabulous book blogger Bonnie Lynn Wagner from A Backwards Story ( The full title alone had me ordering it in a heartbeat, and when the book finally arrived, I just stared at the cover in shock for a while. If I had encountered this book on a shelf in the bookstore, there’s no way I wouldn’t have picked it up – it’s a perfect “homage” to the movie poster from Disney’s Enchanted. (Read More)


Title: Magic Bites
Author: Ilona Andrews
EAN: 9780441014897

Like visiting beloved family members, December has always been the time of year when I enjoy re-reading my favorite books. Annual classics have gone from Little Women and Tamora Pierce’s Alanna series to Sharon Shinn’s Jovah’s Angel and Robin McKinley’s Deerskin. This time around, my December re-read was The Hunger Games. And while I was at it, I took a chance on a book series that was unfamiliar to me, but on the re-read list of my good friend Laura. (She swapped me the first two books for Meredith Ann Pierce’s Darkangel Trilogy. How could I say no?) (Read More)


Title: Finish This Book
Author: Keri Smith & (your name here)
EAN: 9780399536892

This one’s not a sci-fi or fantasy (unless you want it to be), so I’ll be brief.

A few years ago, Keri Smith took the world by storm with a little title called Wreck This Book. It was a fabulous and wonderful thing that encouraged both creativity and willful destruction of one’s own property.

Smith’s sophomore effort, Finish This Book, unfortunately doesn’t even come close to the phenomenon of Wreck This Book. Finish starts out with the story of Smith having found a loose manuscript in the wild, pages everywhere, and you are going to help her put it back together and finish it. (Read More)