Growing Up Poe

Edgar Allan Poe would be celebrating his 200th birthday this year. He cast an epic shadow across American fiction; he inspired every last horror writer who came after him; and his fans founded Weird Tales magazine. Weird Tales wondered if Poe still has the same impact today — so in their latest issue, they asked a bevy of dark…


Genre Chick Interview: Daniel Waters

When I met Daniel Waters at the Southern Festival of Books here in Nashville this year, he had no life. Specifically, his one-line bio was something along the lines of “Daniel lives in Connecticut with his family.” Outraged at the oversight (and a little frightened of meeting a person who really had nothing more to say about them), I…


Feliz Dia de los Muertos!

La Reine Rouge by Alethea Kontis His bones hit the stones with a crack as the guard shoved him to his knees. They weren’t normal playing cards; they all had strange metric road signs on them. And they spoke French. “Brian Keene,” said a terrible voice. A familiar voice. The burlap sack was ripped from his head. On the…