Title: 211 Things a Clever Girl Can Do
Author: Bunty Cutler
Publisher: Perigee
EAN: 9780399534416
Price: $15.95
A possible alternate title to this book might be "The Dangerous Book for Young Women." Inside are helpful essays on "How to escape a vicious swarm of bees" or "How to descend a staircase in high heels." You will be as impressed by its real-world knowledge as you will be humored by its tongue-in-cheekiness. My favorite entry so far is "How to lose six pounds in six hours," which includes recommendations such as "blow your nose" and "shave your head." A must-give from every girlfriend, to every girlfriend.
There is, in fact, The Daring Book for Girls. Chris found it patronizing to girls, actually. But if I start going on about how incredibly patronizing Danica McKellar is about Math for girls, somehow *I’m* the snooty one…
I mean, for heaven’s sake: “Math Doesn’t Suck: How to survive middle school math without losing your mind or breaking a nail.”
I have done a LOT of math, and I have never even come close to breaking a nail doing it.
Yes, I enjoyed The Dangerous Book for Boys, and also thought the Daring Book for Girls was crap.
Then again, I also quit Brownies in 2nd grade because they wouldn’t let me into Boy Scouts.
I miss math. And Mr. Oberly.
I got to work with him for two years, and he was great fun!!
There is, in fact, The Daring Book for Girls. Chris found it patronizing to girls, actually. But if I start going on about how incredibly patronizing Danica McKellar is about Math for girls, somehow *I’m* the snooty one…
I mean, for heaven’s sake: “Math Doesn’t Suck: How to survive middle school math without losing your mind or breaking a nail.”
I have done a LOT of math, and I have never even come close to breaking a nail doing it.
Yes, I enjoyed The Dangerous Book for Boys, and also thought the Daring Book for Girls was crap.
Then again, I also quit Brownies in 2nd grade because they wouldn’t let me into Boy Scouts.
I miss math. And Mr. Oberly.
I got to work with him for two years, and he was great fun!!
Bunty? Bunty? Seriously?
I’m speechless. Her parents must have been very cruel people.
Bunty? Bunty? Seriously?
I’m speechless. Her parents must have been very cruel people.