In Which Alethea Narrates All The Things

Remember how I mentioned that I was in the studio for a week straight recording short stories for folks? Well, they are all live now. Crazy, right?? And ALL of them were insanely fun to read! Instead of sending you to a bunch of different places to go find them all, here are all the links that go straight…


OSC’s IGMS: Issue 67

I’m in this month’s IGMS twice! My romantic wolf tale “Sweetheart Come,” and my narration of Leah Cypess‘s beautiful “The Cost of Wonder.” Some of you may have heard that June will be the last issue of IGMS. As someone who has been part of the IGMS team since its inception, I have feelings about this. I’ll try to…


New Release: ONCE UPON A STAR ⭐️

I am so excited to announce that our next ONCE UPON anthology, ONCE UPON A STAR, is now LIVE! Best of all, it’s specially priced for release week for just $0.99!! That’s right, all 14 stories for just a dollar…starring my long-awaited SF tale ““! From the bestselling authors of the award-winning Once Upon Anthologies, the next fabulous volume…


Princess Alethea, Skype Guinea Pig

I had the singular honor of being the very first Skype Interview for Fast Forward Contemporary Science Fiction yesterday…and we’re already live! Please note, I am SUPER ADORABLE in this interview, and I only say “absolutely” once (on purpose). Also, there is a SUPER SECRET SNEAK PREVIEW of the cover for Trixter…check it out, because you won’t be seeing…


My “Precious 5-Stars” Essay Now Live at Clarkesworld

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and their own score system. As long as people continue to be unique, diverse individuals, reviews will never be standardized (and thank goodness!). But will Precious Five-Stars ultimately become a matter of pride or a source of punishment for authors today? Read the rest of the article (and comment) here at Clarkesworld…


Like a Box of Chocolates, 2015

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of Andre Norton, Grand Dame of SF. It’s difficult to believe that it’s been a decade since Miss Andre left us. When Jay asked me to contribute something to the Andre Norton Books site, I thought it only fitting to offer him the essay I wrote at the time, my eulogy…