Notes From the Road

Things to remember for future book tours: * Eat as well as you can. Stock the car with granola bars, gum, and water. Stay away from spicy foods. Salads are your friend. * Once you reach your destination, drink even more water. Like, a gallon. * It’s not enough to bring vitamins with you–you have to actually TAKE them…


Mo*Con V: Kelli Strikes Back

(long story, but here’s the edited version): Bob and Kelli and I drove down to Virginia, woke Joe up from his nap, threw our suitcases (and four boxes of the LAST RITES chapbook) into Joe’s car, and started on our 10-hour drive to Maurice’s house. On the way we drove through Flushing, Negro Mountain, a Pony Pull, and October….



One of the things I noticed when I first moved up North (North obviously being the opposite of South), was that a significantly higher percentage of cars on the road had personalized license plates. It’s kind of brilliant I think — if the price of personalized plates is low enough to entice folks to participate, that’s money in the…