S. O. C. K. S.

I get it from my mother. You know, that thing we do as writers, where a word like “concinnity” gets stuck in your head, and when you’re reading through the manuscript six months later, the copy editor has wondered why anyone would use concinnity once, never mind thirteen times in one chapter. My first live, on-air TV interview was…


Because Mom Might Not Have Seen This

…here’s the story of my awesome Dragon Con & how I hurt my thumb, with pictures! http://waterworldmermaids.com/2013/09/with-one-hand-tied-behind-my-back/ Now, back to writing. New Chapter to you SOON. Also…got the first box of HERO in. It’s gorgeous! And the endpapers are GREEN! Only guess what they forgot to include in the first printing? xox


Letter to My Child, Alethea

Yes, Sweetheart, I AM your biggest fan (don’t tell Dad!) When you were little and they told us you were a gifted child we were so worried that we would somehow let you down as parents. It’s hard enough knowing what to do with a normal child but a gifted one?? What they didn’t tell us was that we…


35 Things You Didn’t Know About Alethea’s Mom

She posts as “Mom Kontis” in blog comments. Her favorite color is red. She loves the number 35. And so, for Mothers’ Day, I asked her to write for me 35 wonderful things about herself that the world didn’t know. It was hard for her to stop at 35. LOVE YOU, MOM! xox ***************************** 35 Things People Don’t (Might…


Heart-Shaped Box

Happy Valentine’s Day! As you know, Valentine’s Day is a holiday celebrated in my family between father and daughter. Every year, my father sends us all something cheesy and wonderful. This year, my gift was a gorgeous Italian hand-carved alabaster paperweight (pictured here). I love it! Though this is very much my father’s tradition, I suspect my mother had…


Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Congrats on surviving 38 awesome years of fun times and freak-outs. Here’s to 38 more! xox Your Princess Daughter (the middle one)


Superbowl Smorgasbord

I went to bed with a migraine last night and woke up with it this morning–to say I’m feeling decidedly out of sorts is an understatement. While I hobble like an old woman through my daily chores and decide which fairy tale to read for tomorrow that won’t kill my brain, I thought I’d share with you one of…


Caption Me!

In catching up on things that never got finished during the holidays, I was going through some Christmas photos and came across this: It just begs for a caption contest, doesn’t it? Give me your best shot — post your best caption (or captions) for this in the comments on my website (let’s say…by Valentine’s Day), and I’ll send…