Happy October! 🍁
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Follow the Princess Adventures on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/princessalethea
Happy March, everyone! IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: I had three releases in February. Did you get them all? I also did a quick interview with Literary Escapism that went live at the 11th hour right before Coastal Magic Con…you might have missed this one, because I almost missed it myself! Click here to check it out. In the…
Blackbird Publishing interviewed me about my story “The Goblin and the Treasure,” my contribution to the new anthology Once Upon a Quest. The story is based on a fairy tale most people have forgotten (or never knew in the first place): “The Goblin and the Grocer” from Andrew Lang’s Pink Fairy Book. I have always loved the message of…
It’s been too long since I joined forces with my dear friend Joyce Lamb at USA Today’s Happy Ever After. So when she asked a bunch of us to contribute to the HEA Valentine’s Day Feature Post, our subsequent emails led to Joyce saying, “You’ve got a new book coming out? Well, let’s get Down & Dirty!” TODAY (because…
The great thing about Snow Days isn’t just how much *you* get done, it’s how much *other people* get done when removed from the distraction of their pesky day jobs. And…VOILA! My Fast Forward TV Interview is now live. (And the links in Monday’s Fairy Tale Rant have been updated to reflect this.) Enjoy! xox
Because what you were missing in your life is ANOTHER FUN INTERVIEW WITH MOI! This time I talk about writing, books, characters, where I’ve lived, my favorite authors, and a bunch of quick fun stuff! Click here & enjoy: http://theyabookbutterfly.blogspot.com/2013/11/monday-ya-author-interview-with-alethea.html
I certainly hope Mom & Dad weren’t up at 11pm last night listening in to my podcast interview on ANYTHING GOES…and if you were happily in dreamland too, worry not! You can still listen to the interview in its 30-minute entirety HERE: New Entertainment Internet Radio with BennetPomerantz on BlogTalkRadio
In which Robin Covington interviews me for USA Today…today…and I discuss girl power, magic swans, and my undying love for Jude Deveraux. Check it out here: http://www.usatoday.com/story/happyeverafter/2013/09/29/alethea-kontis-interview-hero/2893915/ Release date is TOMORROW! You guys all have your copies of Hero preordered, right? RIGHT???
Today’s stop on the HERO book tour takes us to Carina Olsen’s book blog, where she has posted a really fun interview with MOI! From Carina: I’m so happy to be a part of the Hero by Alethea Kontis blog tour! It’s been more than a year since I read Enchanted. But I loved it so much. And I…
Today’s bit of the blog tour takes us over to Emma Carbone’s award-winning Miss Print site, where we have a really fun interview posted. CLICK HERE to visit! Be sure to check it out, comment, and enter to win the Blog Tour Fairy Tale Basket!