My “Precious 5-Stars” Essay Now Live at Clarkesworld

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and their own score system. As long as people continue to be unique, diverse individuals, reviews will never be standardized (and thank goodness!). But will Precious Five-Stars ultimately become a matter of pride or a source of punishment for authors today? Read the rest of the article (and comment) here at Clarkesworld…


Endangered Princess

I write books about people who sometimes fall in love at first sight. Like most writers, I base this on my own personal experience, because I tend to fall in love with people at first sight all the time. It’s one of the things I love best about people: how awesome they are. I also write books about teenage…


“Original Sin” op-ed in Clarkesworld

In what I hope will begin a series of Princess Alethea Ranting About Fairy Tales, Clarkesworld Magazine indulged me by publishing my essay “Original Sin” about the dubious origins of fairy tales and their influence on the children of the twenty-first century generation. Also, this was a heck of a lot of fun. 🙂 Tweet


Fairy Tale in the TV Age

Love fairy tales? Love television? Addicted to Once Upon a Time and Grimm? (I certainly am…) I compiled a list of the top 10 fairy tale television series in the last 60 years for Clarkesworld Magazine and put it together (with YouTube clips!) in a lovely article for your perusing pleasure. Click here to read The Fairy Tale in…