From the Garage

Facebook is a funny thing. Greg Hall (yes, that Funky Werepig we all know and love) posted this morning that he has 500 friends, and intended to celebrate by buying them all breakfast. Kelli and I were sitting on the green couch in the garage at the time, dutifully hammering away at our keyboards. We know Greg, and we…


How ’bout *them* apples?

Carson: Who wants to play “Apples to Apples”? Lee: Me! Chloe: Not me. Everybody Else: (grumble) Lee: Somebody has to play with us. Two people can’t play… Gypsy: Justin will play with you. Justin: Sure, okay. (Rip-roaring game of “Apples to Apples” ensues. Did I mention I freaking love this game? Wackiness and…


The Art of Screwing Up

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~Scott Adams I screwed up one of the pieces I was doing yesterday. I had originally achieved the affect when prepping a rainbow-colored butterfly on a scrap piece of paper, and Gypsy and I both loved how it looked. My goal was to recreate that…


More Arty Goodness

Yes, folks, Mo*Con is this weekend — are you coming? Don’t forget, we’re launching Dark Faith and there’s going to be a massive signing with lots of authors. I’ll also have an artist’s table (which is starting to become something of a tradition for me at Mo*Con), with lots of lovely, affordable art that I’ve been working like gangbusters…