Thieftess Triumphant

Mom reminded me that I need to give you guys the direct link to my YouTube Channel: This summer I will be performing excerpts and deleted scenes from ENCHANTED–they will debut on various sites throughout the blog tour, but if you are subscribed to my channel, you should get them emailed directly to you as they are updated….


Little T on AlphaOops

Google Alerts is a wonderful thing. I will never get sick of finding clips like this on the internet. I should piece them together and play a little movie of them every morning when I wake up. If I need more motivation than that, I don’t deserve to call myself a writer. Plus, I kind of like his musical…


Adam Ezra @ Martin’s in Roanoke

Now that I’m hard at work on the sequel to ENCHANTED, there are quite a few things that have moved to the back burner…like fixing up pictures and posting blog entries (the stuff of which keeps popping up in tabs everytime I refresh my browser and driving Joe nuts). So I promised the Fairy Godboyfriend tonight that I’d FINALLY…


On the Importance of Turkeys

Thanksgiving weekend’s not over yet! And before it is, I have a quick message I would like to say to my beloved little sister, in front of the whole world. My next video should be about the story behind this, or why we called Soteria “Sami” all those years…but for now, I’m just sort of hoping this prompts a…


Discovery of Dad

For those of you who may not have seen this–a number that seems to be dwindling since the Discovery Channel seems to be running this episode of “Future Weapons” like there’s no tomorrow–here is the section of the show about Knights Armament’s PDW. My fabulous & famous Dad shows up TWICE in interview! He’s just so photogenic and such…


Princess Alethea’s Traveling Sideshow Video!

Many many MANY thanks to Jean-Marie Ward (jmward14 on YouTube), who filmed and edited this video of Princess Alethea’s Traveling Sideshow at Dragon*Con this year! There was unfortunately no video of my reading, but you get to see my intro, Leanna Renee Hieber’s FANTASTIC reading, Gray Rinehart’s HILARIOUS song, and Danielle Friedman’s MESMERIZING dance performance. (You guys get enough…