The finalists for the 2018 Hugo Awards were recently announced. No surprise, I wasn’t among them.
And yet…I kind of was.
This year, Neil Clarke–of Clarkesworld Magazine–was shortlisted for Best Editor, Short Form, and Escape Pod finaled under Best Semiprozine.
How do I factor into these two things, do you ask?
The answer is here, in my latest essay for Clarkesworld—“Another Word: Breathing Life Into Characters.”
I am honored to have been a contributing writer at Clarkesworld and a podcast narrator for Escape Pod over the past few years. I hope to continue this work for many years to come!
Congratulations to all the Hugo finalists!
For a full list of all my Escape Pod (and other) story narrations, CLICK HERE.
For a list of all my Clarkesworld essays, CLICK HERE.
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