Today feels like the TRUE first day of 2014 for me — yesterday was an exhausted flurry of getting Soteria out of the hospital and then working my aunt’s New Years party for 82 hours, so this is my day to jump back in swinging.
First up: I have a blog post today over at Waterworld Mermaids, where I explain what exactly happened over Christmas, details of The Emergency Surgery, and Why My Packing Karma is Strong. Click here to read “There and…Still There.”
Next, hie yourself on over to BOOM! Studios, where I am interviewed as part of a featured series about being a woman in the comics industry. Please take extra special note of my favorite part, which introduces both me and about my publishing background. “Alethea Kontis, a writer who has worked on The Wonderland Alphabet for Archaia as well as numerous other books for others!”
That’s right…OTHER BOOKS FOR OTHERS. Like that one that hit the New York Times List.. Twice Or that other one that got selected for World Book Night 2014. Or that other one that sold 65,000 copies through Scholastic in one month. But really, the only one that matters for this article is THE ONE WE PUBLISHED. (*rolls eyes* *blows New Year’s horn*)
But you know what? AT LEAST THEY SPELLED MY NAME RIGHT. And that’s something.
Lastly, the awesome crew at TBF (Rochester Teen Book Festival) that I am VERY MUCH LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS YEAR (is it May yet?) posted a really superfun interview with MOI over on the TBF site. Mom, you’re going to love the color red they use. Click here to read the interview!