ACK! Too many things going on!
I will only be appearing at the Baltimore Book Festival one day: this FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH.
Here’s my schedule:
3:00-4:00pm YA Paranormal/Romance
Location: Maryland Romance Writers Pavilion
4:00-5:45 Workshop: What’s New in Young Adult Fiction: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal
Location: SFWA Pavilion
I will be around all day (or, as soon as I can arrive) to sign books (I’ll bring as many copies of HERO as will fit in my suitcase). It doesn’t look like there will be much time between my panels, but fear not — I will definitely stick around until everyone has gotten their books properly defaced by MOI!
Will these be the books that are collectables? Bring lots, everyone will want one! I WANT ONE! Wish I could be there. Have Fun.
Technically, I think this means the first printings with the burgundy endpapers are the collectible ones. But WOW that blue is gorgeous. It’s more like indigo — almost purple. So royal.