Jenna over at Jenna Does Books has posted a really great review of HERO:
My favorite fairy tale writer, Alethea Kontis, pulls off another slam dunk with HERO, the second of her stories about the Woodcutter sisters. HERO is a gender-bending, swash-buckling tale about Saturday, the second youngest sister to Sunday, whom we previously met in Enchanted. While Sunday was a whimsical girl with an art for words, Saturday is a strong and willful girl with plenty of heart (plus some added snark). Her story proved to be just as enthralling as the first!
Alethea has a knack for reminding readers why many of us love fairy tales to begin with. In this entry we are once again given a delightful story with some obvious (and some not-so-obvious) nods to classic tales, such as The Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin and more. It was so much fun picking out the various references. Just like Enchanted, HERO is built upon these familiar stories, but her overlying story and characters are entirely of her own creation. You never think “Wait, this is just a retelling of Cinderella!” or “I feel like I’ve heard this before…” because Alethea’s story and characters are wholly unique and distinguishable – not to mention they have so much more personality.
(Giveaway ends September 30th.)
Thank you, Jenna. You are my Hero!