Come one, come all!
Cascades Library
21030 Whitfield Place, Sterling, VA
Saturday, May 4, 10:00 am-5:00 pm
10:25-10:35am Robert Sanábria
10:35-10:45am Bette McNicholas
10:45-10:55am Pamela Kinney
11:10-11:20am Lane Stone
11:20-11:30am Kelly Philbrick
11:30-11:40am Mark Katz
11:45-11:55am Lisa Schaefer
11:55am-12:05pm K. Victoria Chase
12:05-12:15pm Sue Vijh
12:15-12:25pm Bud Orr
12:30-12:40pm Deborah Parker
12:40-12:50pm Sharon Burtner
12:50-1:00pm Richard Lowry
1:00-1:10pm Sandra Kovacs Stein
1:15-1:25pm James Hackley
1:25-1:35pm Phyllis Langton
1:35-1:45pm Matt Iden
1:45-1:55pm Leonard Greenberg

11:45am-12:00pm Jennifer Chambers *
12:00-12:15pm Suzanne Walls *
12:15-12:30pm Clara Bowman-Jahn *
12:30-12:45pm Onjeinika Brooks *
12:45-1:00pm Alethea Kontis *
1:00-1:15pm Val Muller
1:15-1:30pm Fran Orr
1:30-1:45pm Bobbi Carducci
1:45-2:00pm Sharon Solomon
The star by my name means that I will be reading during my scheduled author time, so the lovely Fairy GodBoyfriend will be in attendance to help me set up & take down & watch the table while I’m away.
I am technically supposed to take down my table the minute I’m finished my reading, but if people want books signed, I WILL STAY TO SIGN BOOKS. We’ll figure something out.
I will have lots of free swag, copies of all my books, and art prints from THE WONDERLAND ALPHABET. I accept cash and credit cards. I will be dressed in full princess regalia and am happy to take pictures with anyone and everyone.
Looking forward to a great time!