That’s right! At midnight EST tonight, my dearest bosom companion Leanna Renee Hieber will be randomly drawing from the commenters on THIS BLOG POST to see who wins a copy of John Skipp’s DEMONS anthology, autographed by MOI! (I hear there are some other pretty decent authors in this anthology as well. Like this Neil Something.)
All you have to do is click over and tell Leanna one thing you love about Fall. That’s it! Just one thing! That’s easy, right? Of course it is. Because EVERYONE LOVES FALL.
Bonus entry points are gven if you follow me on Twitter. (And once I get to 2000 followers, *I* am going to give away an autographed collection and a box of books…so it’s a win-win-win-win-win situation!)
October is Halloween Awareness Month. It’s All Hallows Read. It’s even Friday, which qualifies this as a #FridayReads. You are covered on ALL BASES. So what are you waiting for? Click on my picture of the story below, go on over there, and comment.
Happy Friday!