My Dragon*Con Schedule

Because it’s never too early to start thinking about Dragon*Con!

Here’s my schedule. Make a note. Write it down. Punch it into your phone. Most importantly, do not miss the reading on Friday, otherwise known as PRINCESS ALETHEA’S TRAVELING SIDESHOW! As before, the first 48 people will get free bags filled with amazing awesomeness. (And by awesomeness, I don’t mean bookmarks and flyers. I mean hardcover books, magnets, buttons, temporary tattoos, bubbles, and much more!)

Convention Dates are Fri(9/2/11), Sat(9/3/11), Sun(9/4/11), and Mon(9/5/11)

Title: Reading: Alethea Kontis
Time: Fri 05:30 pm Location: Edgewood – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

Title: Interview with Sherrilyn Kenyon
Description: Q&A with the bestselling author of the Dark-Hunter series.
Time: Sat 02:30 pm Location: Regency VI – VII – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
Moderator / MC for panel

Title: Dragon*Autographs
Time: Sat 05:30 pm Location: M301 – M304 – Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)

Title: Scary Fairy Tales
Description: Fables and fairy tales in dark fantasy literature.
Time: Sun 05:30 pm Location: Montreal / Vancouver – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)


When I am not at these locations (and not walking in the Parade – Sat, 10am), I will most likely be found at JANET LEE’s table in Artists Alley. I will do my absolute best to bring some books to sell…but airplane luggage charges being what they are, coupled with the fact that I sold out quickly last year, please remember that it is always best if you bring your own copies of books for me to sign.

And now I’m going to tease you mercilessly. I’m not going to confirm it, because I don’t have one in my magic little hands yet, but I will be giving away one or two (or three!) of something that you REALLY REALLY REALLY will want to get your hands on. Because it doesn’t come out until next May. *wink*

But you won’t have a chance to get it unless you come see me!