Congrats to fellow author Tony Frazier (click here to see his superfantastic “They Stole Frazier’s Brain!” blog!) — Tony commented on my latest Genre Chick Interview with author Barry Lyga and won the signed ARC of Archvillain. Hooray, Tony!
I’ve had a few contests this month — don’t forget about the one on Goodreads that will be up for a couple more days. (click here to enter).
I kind of like this whole “having contests” thing. I may have to do it again soon. What do you guys think?
I’m looking forward to reading it and then handing it off to my daughter. She’s in 4th grade now, but reads above her level, so the timing of this contest was perfect. Thanks so much for having it.
Hooray for good timing!
That makes it doubly cool. I hope she enjoys it as much as I did!