A Loyal Subject’s Interview

It was at a Mo*Con that I was first formally given the title of Princess by the Indiana Horror Writers. Our beloeved Maurice was recently interviewed by Jeff Vandermeer about Dark Faith — what started out as a Mo*Con anthology and became something much, much more. I give you leave to click here and check it out. After all,…


Which One Of These Things

Tensions in the Emerald City were high this morning…and it had nothing to do with cat barf. No, what brought us to verging on fisticuffs this morning was over who knew the “correct” version of the “One of These Things Is Not Like The Other” song from Seame Street. There was: One of these things is not like the…


Genre Chick Interview: Steven Saus

A featured guest in my Year of Steves, Steven Saus is a writer, non-traditional student, nuclear medicine technologist, and fairly snazzy guy. He has a story in the Timeshares anthology out from DAW this week, so I put on my Genre Chick hat and poked him to see if he wouldn’t mind answering a few questions about what he’s…


Not To Be Outdone

After seeing my recent post about Soteria & Charles, my mother was quick to drop me a line and remind me that my sister and I came by our cuteness honestly. Ladies & gentlemen: George & Marcy Kontis — a.k.a Mom & Dad. From their dance class Christmas party.


Graduating to Pointy Objects

Back in the Ivory Tower, roller skating was my poison–no, not poison…it was the rapunzel I cultivated in my garden until it flourished green and tempting to naive passersby. But the tower crumbled–as towers do when self-rescuing princesses have access to dynamite–and I made my journey Over the Rainbow. I spent some time healing in Munchkinland before I put…


Made in Carolina

Soteria and Charles were recently featured in Skirt Magazine because they are Charleston’s Cutest Couple. Look at this picture and tell me I’m wrong: There’s a snippet of the article here. Bonus points to Charles for using “acci-purposely.” Kontis Sister assimilation is what that is. 🙂


Always Winter but Never Christmas

Last night at the Chronicles of Narnia play, Lucy mentioned at least three times that it was “always winter but never Christmas.” And while I get the point probably needed to be hammered in to the audience consisting mostly of young children and disaffected parents of young children, it also made Lucy seem a bit shallow and materialistic, which…