The doctor says I have acute bronchitis. So now I’m going to take my antibiotics & cough syrup with codeine and go sleep downstairs where the TV isn’t transmitting sugary cereal cravings on a subliminal wavelength. I promise I’ll come up with something really clever tomorrow. Assuming I don’t sleep through tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Love you guys. xox
Aw, you put the “cute” in “acute bronchitis”. Get well soon, sweetie! *hugs*
I wish I was there to take care of you and make you some “get well soup.” Sleep is the best thing and lots of fluids…don’t forget the fluids.
I’ve been doing the poor-whiny-brat-soup-and-fluids thing for 10 days now. I’m really tired of myself at this point. I’m letting the cough syrup with codeine steal most of my day today so I can knock out this stupid cough. Starting tomorrow I’m back on the road to awesome. I have WAY too much to get done to be sick!! xox