Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

I have declared today Only Good News Day. Next up in our series of happiness:

My most excellent parents were married 36 years ago today in a Greek Orthodox church in Vermont, with my father still drunk on ouzo from the night before (thank my godfather for that one). The legend became just one of the many amazing stories my family tells as we live our interesting life.

Two months and two days after their marriage, Mom & Dad sat down to watch the new episode of Kung Fu. It starred a young Jodie Foster playing a little girl named Alethea Ingram…and fate waved her magic wand.

Dad’s caught up in work (and a big fishing trip) this week, and can’t be with Mom for their anniversary, so she’s coming to visit me. Hooray! And we shall celebrate.

Love you guys!!! xoxox

I’ve told Mom she can quit looking like me aaaaany day now.