Genre Chick Interview: Kevin J. Anderson

his month, Genre Chick Alethea Kontis puts on her best cowgirl hat and learns how to wrestle sandworms from real-life superhero Kevin J. Anderson. Whether master of ceremonies, mentor, or writing machine, this “Mister Anderson” is always at the top of his game. ********************************** New York Times-bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson is a fantastic guy and a machine, all…


My New Backyard

Here it is — I still can’t get used to it. Imagine this picture with ten feet of trees above every piece of that back fence, obscuring the view of any other house. No one could see me from my porch. Normally, at 4:00 in the afternoon the entire lawn would be in shadow. This is what I get…


Trinoc*Con Pics

I finally had the time to get my pics together from LA and Trinoc*Con — I’ll post more of them later (or, more likely, Seamus will). But I had to share this one — I had been at the convention for maybe half an hour. I swear, it’s getting to where you can’t take me anywhere…without having to call…


Thank you, everyone

I think I’ve had more comments and emails than I’ve ever had for any other post before — thank you all so much for the tremendous support. I can’t say how muh I appreciate all your advice and input and love. It was sorely needed. I had no idea how physically ill the removal of a bunch of scrubby…


The Electric Company Just Ruined my Life

I got back from LA at 2am. I had told my boss I was going to sleep and come in late this morning. So I was making breakfast, when I looked out my kitchen window…and just about passed out. While I was gone, sometime over the last 5 days, the Electric company cut down all the trees behind my…