I covet my Apex Global Domination mug. If you’re ever in the neighborhood during a con, you must stop by the Apex table and check it out. And thanks to Zazzle’s “free shipping” sale, I may just pick up some more Apex goodies for myself.
From Jason Sizemore, Apex Digest Big Kahuna Boss:
I don’t normally mention our Swag shop over at Zazzle because it’s a bit overpriced. People occasionally buy a Global Domination mug or a cool t-shirt, and I’ll buy some gear to wear now and then…but I felt their latest promotion was worth a nod.
They’re offering MUGS, T-SHIRTS, calendars, hats, and stamps for $9.99. The kicker is they’re also offering free shipping. $9.99 for a mug or t-shirt with $0 shipping is actually a pretty damn good deal! My personal break even cost of shipping mugs is $10 (thus the reason I only sell them at conventions) so here’s a chance to get a mug at a fair price.
I’ve bought both mugs and t-shirts from Zazzle and thought them to be of high-quality.
The sale is through the 26th.
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And be sure to check out Apex Digest #7 — which includes my essay “Much Ado About Driving” — at a store near you: