App Annoyances While Adventuring

Getting my iPhone was a huge technological leap that aided my presence on social networks and the intarwebs in general. One of the great things I had come to rely on while on the road was the WordPress app, from which I could moderate my blog comments, make posts, even include pictures. I use the past tense, because I…



I figured it out — once someone takes a pic in Photo Booth, they need to then select “Flip” from the selection screen while still in Photo Booth. Otherwise, short of Photoshop, one might drive oneself mad. (The best of us are.) This is what the picture SHOULD look like: Click on the picture if you’re interested in RSVPing…


B&D Available on Smashwords

You kids and your newfangled contraptions… Thanks to a dutiful Google Alert, I am happy to report that Beauty & Dynamite is available on Smashwords. Check it out here — it lets you read the first bunch of pages for free (score!), but you have to pay (thank you) a mere $2.99 to read the rest. No fancy reader…


It’s Not Rocket Science

For everybody except the 38 people who’ve found me there in the last 24 hours: yes. I am now officially on Twitter. I flirted with the username UnicornPrincess, but figured it would probably be best to just use plain old AletheaKontis. Plus, you know, people might actually be able to find me.


Internet Savvy: Book Launch 2.0

This is so painfully true…and scares me a bit. No one’s allowed to be “just an author” anymore. And he doesn’t even talk about writers groups, or message boards, or conventions…and you know, I don’t ever want to have to be a member of Second Life. I’m really okay with the one I’ve got.