Happy Release Day to Me!

In honor of today’s release of AlphaOops: H is for Halloween, John Scalzi invited me to be his Big Idea for the day. In a very short & cute essay I cover the Big Idea behind AlphaOops in general and about H is for Halloween specifically. I explain exactly why my dedication reads the way it does.  I confess…


Pre-SENT Squee!

Kirkus reviews AlphaOops: H is for Halloween. And it kind of rocks. Got yours yet? AlphaOops: H is for Halloween ******************************************* ALPHAOOPS: H IS FOR HALLOWEEN Author: Kontis, Alethea Illustrator: Kolar, Bob Publisher:Candlewick Pages: 40 Price ( Hardback ): $15.99 Publication Date: July 13, 2010 ISBN ( Hardback ): 978-0-7636-3966-2 Category: Picture Books Classification: Holiday Series: AlphaOops Volume: 2…