Princess Time Lord

Your job is now your Time Lord name. The last digit of your phone number is the current regeneration you are in. The nearest clothing item to your right is now the most notable item in your current wardrobe. The last person you texted is your current companion. Your favorite word is now your catchphrase. Name: The Princess Regeneration:…


I went to bed sad last night.

Last night, after…gosh, what, a couple of years of putting it off? I finally watched the last few David Tennant episodes of Doctor Who. Part of me has just been too darned busy to catch up with every series on the planet…and part of me has just been reluctant to see Tennant go. I watched more Star Trek TNG…


Genre Chick Interview: Ian Farrington

Science Fiction Geeks unite–Doctor Who is back, and he’s better than ever. The BBC has published tie-ins to the popular television show, but did you know that there is another publisher of officially licensed Doctor Who literature? This month, Genre Chick Alethea Kontis spends some time with Big Finish editor Ian Farrington to talk about what other worlds the…