A few months ago, I got a very sad letter. It was from Candlewick Press, informing me that my very first picture book, AlphaOops: The Day Z Went First, would be going out of print in hardcover.
My life has been pretty horrible since December, but I’ve managed to hold it together. This time, I totally lost it. I called my mother and cried like a child had died. She asked me how many were left–50, 60, I don’t remember–and she volunteered to pitch in and help me purchase the rest of them.
Of course, I wanted to give my friends a chance to have their copies too, so I posted about it online to let people know. Happily, there was a pretty good response. I gave it a couple of days before I emailed the publisher…I didn’t want to risk them changing the status of the book before the people I loved had a chance to get a copy.
I offered to purchase whatever was left. The response I got humbled me down to my toes. “I’m happy to say, there are actually no copies left in the warehouse. Some large orders have come in since we sent you that low stock letter. It looks like AlphaOops will be up for reprint consideration at the next meeting.”
You want to talk about over the moon? I WAS OVER THE MOON, BABY.
I didn’t want to say anything until it was official…I received the books in the mail yesterday. Two brand-spanking-new copies of AlphaOops: The Day Z Went First, in its SIXTH PRINTING.
That’s right…YOU made it happen — all of you! — and I can’t thank you enough. Seriously. Thank you for keeping my book alive. You have given me hope in a year where everything seems to be falling apart around my ears. Little by little, I begin to have faith that my world can be rebuilt. Like Mom says, anything can be remodeled, as long as the bones are good.
And let me tell you what, you have made me one happy Book Mama, folks. I can’t even tell you how happy. I am so humbled and SO INCREDIBLY HONORED by your love and support. I always will be.
Now, if you want a new project, feel free to start sending emails to Candlewick Press to let them know that you’d really love to see that AlphaOops Christmas book…maybe if we’re really good this year, Santa will make all our wishes come true!
Love you guys. You’re the best. I mean it.
xox Alethea
This post makes me so happy!
(Hey, I hope a new printing means it’s going to all the stores again!)
That’s amazing news!!! Congratulations!
Such great news! I’ll be bugging our local independent bookstore to order 🙂
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! *glitterhugs*
Man, don’t I wish it was going back into bookstores. Once upon a time, publishing used to work like that, but not any more. If it did, my career would be a whole lot different than it is now.
But please do as Michelle suggested and request that your local indies carry it, for sure! xox
Love love love reading this post. Fingers and toes crossed for Santa and we will come to you for a signed copy! Xoxo ♡♡♡♡