Sk8er Girl: Hey There, Stranger

My convention weekend started a day early — I’m spending the night with Natalie at her hotel so I can be that much closer to the airport in the morning. We went swimming after work (yay, pool!) and then Natalie joined our girl party at the skating rink. Man…after running/walking 100 miles in April, skating was a lot easier…


Jurassic Shark

That’s the name the marketing folks around here are fondly using for Meg: Hell’s Aquarium. Steve Alten came to Ingram today to hang out, tell us a bit about himself and his background, and ultimately left us all pumped up and ready to sell Sno Cones to Eskimos. (That man is an AMAZING salesman!) Steve is just a real,…


Do it for the Kids

Lillie ( ) sent me a message this morning: Hey All,      Just in case someone has something they plan to purchase at Barnes & Noble this weekend, I thought I would pass this along.  My daughter is in the choral program at LaVergne High School and they are having a fund raiser with B&N.  The choral program will…


From the Jewelry Box

My little sister Soteria used to call me "Shala." She always got me in trouble, and she could never eat a fudgesicle without getting half of it all over her face. Now, she owns Dixie Dunbar Studio (192 King Street, Charleston SC) and designs necklaces and earrings that are featured in Vogue magazine. She’s currently working on redoing the…


Worth a Sunburn

Here are some of the pieces from my manic little art episode this weekend. (This is the first one, just click "Next" to see them all.) No, I didn’t take pictures of the sunburn. You’re welcome.


On the Horizon

In the next few weeks I’m redoing my website in WordPress, so I’m putting up a bunch of blog posts I’ll be able to refer back to. I figured I’d repost them to LJ, ’cause…why the heck not? But I’ll save you pain & suffering by putting them behind a cut. If I can figure out how to do…


Alethea Kontis, Princess of the World

I was born an old soul, hyperaware of my own mortality and convinced that true happiness was possibly the hardest thing in the world for anyone to achieve. My earliest memory is me, at four, sitting on the toilet in our small house in Vermont, staring at the 70’s era burgundy and orange wallpaper and thinking, “Great. This is…


A Rat a Day Keeps the Perky People Away

Pearls Before Swine PLUSH FIGURES. SQUEEE!!! I’ve seen them first hand. They look really, really nice.  I am a huge PBS fan. I interviewed creator Stephan Pastis for the Genre Chicks a while back. Completely fell in love with the man.You should too. You can get Zebra, Croc, Pig, and Rat for only about $6 apiece, and shipping’s pretty decent…especially…