PSEUDOPOD 788: “The Stories We Tell About Ghosts”

Now available for your listening pleasure: PseudoPod 788: “The Stories We Tell About Ghosts” Author : A.C. Wise Narrator : Alethea Kontis Host : Alasdair Stuart “Growing up in Dieu-le-Sauveur, my friends and I told stories about ghosts—the Starving Man, the Sleeping Girl, and the House at the End of the Street. The summer I was twelve, I saw…


Busy Blood Moon

Hello, my lovelies! Returned from Baltimore Book Fest , wet and not unscathed — darn cold fingers and steel corset snaps! Pictures will be up…soonish (and not of the thumb injury, because I will not have you guys all freaking out on me again. Suffice it to say it’s bad). Came home to exhaustion and HERO’s edit letter, which…


Cover for Shroud #9

The cover for Issue #9 Beautiful art by Tom Brown! Design, layout and editing by Danny Evarts. It’s creepy and gorgeous all at the same time. And green, which is my favorite color, so no complaints from me. No sirree Bob. The funny part is that when I first saw the cover, my eye immediately landed on Lon Prater‘s…


LEGENDS 4 Now Available for Preorder

It’s here! It’s here! Well…almost. Click here to preorder Legends of the Mountain State 4: More Ghostly Tales From the State of West Virginia. It’s an honor to be in this anthology — reportedly the last in Michael Knost’s successful West Virginia regional ghost series. My story is called “Blue & Gray and Black & Green” and is based…


One of *those* writers

Yes, apparently I am one of *those* writers. I’ve been working on this ghost story for Michael Knost this week, based on a plantation house in West Virginia. First, of course, I had to do a butt-ton of research because I can’t write about somewhere like Mount St. Helens or Harlan, Kentucky without knowing the place like I’d lived…