Carson: Who wants to play “Apples to Apples”? [the Junior Edition, because he’s six]
Lee: Me!
Chloe: Not me.
Everybody Else: (grumble)
Lee: Somebody has to play with us. Two people can’t play…
Gypsy: Justin will play with you.
Justin: Sure, okay.
(Rip-roaring game of “Apples to Apples” ensues. Did I mention I freaking love this game? Wackiness and hilarity, people. Eventually, we get to the final round.)
Carson: (the judge of this particular round) The word is “Sour”.
Justin: (plays his card) Tee hee!
Lee: (plays her card) *giggle*
Carson: (consults the cards completely straight-faced) Hmm. “Play Doh” and “My Grandma.” (pauses.) Wow. That’s hard.
(Justin and Lee burst into a fit of giggles.)
Carson: (after serious deliberation) I’m going to have to go with “Play Doh.”
Lee: YESSSSSSSSS! All mine, baybee.