PSEUDOPOD 788: “The Stories We Tell About Ghosts”

Now available for your listening pleasure: PseudoPod 788: “The Stories We Tell About Ghosts” Author : A.C. Wise Narrator : Alethea Kontis Host : Alasdair Stuart “Growing up in Dieu-le-Sauveur, my friends and I told stories about ghosts—the Starving Man, the Sleeping Girl, and the House at the End of the Street. The summer I was twelve, I saw…


PseudoPod 688: The Tunnel Ahead

Yes indeed, It’s still Women in Horror Month! Be sure not to miss my narration of Alice Glaser’s classic science-horror story “The Tunnel Ahead,” now live at PseudoPod: Pack the kids into the car for that road trip and treat them to this story. It’s fun for the whole family! (And by “fun,” I mean sort of terrifying……


Alethea Reads “Abigail”

Yup…I can already tell this month is going to be insane, and all of my best laid plans are…well…I’m just going to have to allow them to go astray if and when they need to. In the meantime, I still have many fun things for you! Like this one — i which I read Hunter Grey’s horror fantasy story…