Treasured Tales for Young Adults: Interview with Sunday Woodcutter

Entered the Goodreads Contest for ENCHANTED already? Gone on to Amazon and read the excerpt from Chapter One a hundred times? Desperate to know a little bit more about Sunday Woodcutter before the book comes out? Over at Treasured Tales for Young Adults today, there is an interview with Sunday Woodcutter herself! I’ve found that these character interviews are…


She’s Back, Baby!

That’s right — I’m back from Dragon*Con, the Internet is back up, and now my website is cooperating so I can post again! Of course, I still have that pesky bookstore day job (and Fairy Goddaughter the Elder’s Birthday) so you won’t get all the info at once…but you’re okay with that, and I thank you for your patience….


Genre Chick Interview: David Steffen

Today, May’s Month of Writers Blog Festival brings you an interview with my friend and fellow Codexian David Steffen. I was the subject of David’s first interview over at Fantasy Magazine back in 2009! Ah, the great circle of a writer’s life… *************************************** Mac or PC? PC, though I’m sure Justin Long is a very nice person. Coffee or…


Genre Chick Interview: Leah Cypess

Today the Month of Writers Blog Festival brings you an interview by lovely YA Fantasy author Leah Cypess. And if you haven’t seen the cover to her new novel Nightspell, you must go check it out. It’s one of the most gorgeous covers I’ve ever seen. I covet… ********************************** Coffee or Tea? Tea. I resisted coffee for years because…


Genre Chick Interview: Misty Massey

One of the original items on my to-do list that launched May 2011’s Month of Writers here on the site was a series of interviews I planned with the contributors of How To Write Magical Words: A Writer’s Companion. Are you familiar with the Magical Words site? If you’re a writer, you should be! The contributing bloggers there are…


Genre Chick Interview: Barry Lyga

FGB and I went to the Baltimore ComicCon this summer. I have to say I was kind of disappointed — it seems that some of my favorite authors and artists, both in hard copy and on the web, were guests last year. This year, the only person I *really* wanted to see was Barry Lyga. I jokingly sent Barry…


A is for Princess

You might remember Steven Saus from the “Year of Steves” blog earlier this year, or from my interview with him back in March about the story he had in the Timeshares anthology.I did all these things ’cause I just think Steve’s a cool guy. I certainly didn’t expect anything in return. However, true to form in this beloved SF…


Red Candy Sale

If you haven’t gotten your fill of Valentine’s Day candy on sale yet, well, that’s nobody’s fault but your own. Lucky for you, Easter’s just around the corner, with a significantly smaller proportion of Red Dye Number Five. I had a lovely Valentine’s Day, thank you, in no small part because of my father. I don’t remember when the…