Princess Alethea Rants About Snow White

SPECIAL FAERIECON EAST EDITION: In Which Author Princess Alethea discusses the original Grimms’ Fairy Tale “Snow White” and BONUS CLIP, featuring Jim Butcher demonstrating the Old School Fae gang sign that Leanna and I instituted this year at Dragon Con. Yeah…it’s entirely possible we had too much fun. BUT ISN’T THAT THE POINT?!? Enjoy! Tweet


Princess Alethea Rants About Rumpelstiltskin

Good morning, my darlings! On this lovely first day of the HERO BLOG TOUR (*fanfare*), we bring to you the awesomeness that is one of Princess Alethea’s Classic Fairy Tale Rants. Deb from Debz’s Bookshelf requested specifically that I rant about one of her favorites, “Rumpelstiltskin.” And I had so much fun, I once again thought, “Hey…I should really…