
Congrats to fellow author Tony Frazier (click here to see his superfantastic “They Stole Frazier’s Brain!” blog!) — Tony commented on my latest Genre Chick Interview with author Barry Lyga and won the signed ARC of Archvillain. Hooray, Tony! I’ve had a few contests this month — don’t forget about the one on Goodreads that will be up for…


AlphaOops Halloween Contest Update

The above photo was submitted by Pete G., at a Barnes & Nole in Lincoln, Nebraska. Thanks, Pete! Awesome to see I’m on a display somewhere!! As this contest has gone on, I’ve been learning a lot about how bookstores work, how authors run contests, and exactly how much power one has over how to get one’s book in…


New Fun Pics!

Lee W. sent another Oops! photo in for the AlphaOops! Scavenger Hunt/Photo Contest — this one’s from Books-A-Million in Charlotte, NC. Got a camera phone? Know a bookstore? Want to have some fun this weekend? Click here for contest rules. Also, my friend Brandi in Charleston saw my post yesterday about pictures of children with AlphaOops and sent me…


Our First Contestant!

Dearest Lee sent me this picture from the Borders in Charlotte, NC. My favorite part is what the sign says. Thanks for being great sports, Borders!! And to answer a new question — yes, the more stores you go to, the more chances you have to win a signed book. So, go crazy! (Got a camera phone? Want to…



I figured it out — once someone takes a pic in Photo Booth, they need to then select “Flip” from the selection screen while still in Photo Booth. Otherwise, short of Photoshop, one might drive oneself mad. (The best of us are.) This is what the picture SHOULD look like: Click on the picture if you’re interested in RSVPing…


Dragon*Con Scavenger Hunt!

AnthologyBuilder’s Dragon*Con Scavenger Hunt Our secret agents are stalking the convention circuit looking for AnthologyBuilder badge wearers. If they spot you, you’ll receive a free gift certificate or anthology! WorldCon Dragon Con World Fantasy Philcon Badges are reusable, so collect and save them for future events! How to Win at Dragon*Con: Since DragonCon is so huge, we’re offering a…