2020 VISIONS Cover Art & Preorder Info

The picture above is a proof of the 2020 VISIONS cover image by artist Jonathon Fowler, inspired by Alex Wilson‘s story “Nervewrecking.” I’m a big fan of Alex, and now a pretty big fan of Jonathan, too. The titles and whatnot will be added soon, but I love seeing the art before all the text is put on top….


HCH<$10 Today Only!

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Halloween-o-philes & spooky story aficionados — HARLAN COUNTY HORRORS IS AVAILABLE FOR ONLY $9.57 TODAY ONLY. That’s what, the price of two Starbucks Frappuccinos? If you already have your copy, now’s the time to get one for that destitute book-loving friend you have that’s been hit hard by this economy. (Nowadays, we all have at least…


If The Future’s So Dark, Then Why Am I So Excited?

Dark Futures is here, folks! In fact, it’s so here that Jason Sizemore and Dark Quest Publishing have set up their very own Dark Futures website. Be sure to bookmark it and check back frequently — they will be posting interviews with the contributors, stories-behind-the-stories (you know how much fun I have with those), and announcements of all sorts…



Just in case you’ve somehow magically missed it being posted by Kevin Lucia, Rio Youers, Kelli Owen, Bob Ford, or anyone else connected with this pretty amazing special Halloween issue, here it is in all its glory — the cover for Shroud issue #10. As always, hats off to the fabulous and infamous Steven C. Gilberts. Because seriously….CLOCKWORK PUMPKIN…


Genre Chick Interview: Barry Lyga

FGB and I went to the Baltimore ComicCon this summer. I have to say I was kind of disappointed — it seems that some of my favorite authors and artists, both in hard copy and on the web, were guests last year. This year, the only person I *really* wanted to see was Barry Lyga. I jokingly sent Barry…


AlphaOops Halloween Contest Update

The above photo was submitted by Pete G., at a Barnes & Nole in Lincoln, Nebraska. Thanks, Pete! Awesome to see I’m on a display somewhere!! As this contest has gone on, I’ve been learning a lot about how bookstores work, how authors run contests, and exactly how much power one has over how to get one’s book in…


Books With Halloween Spirit

Have kids that love Halloween? Are they avid readers…or do you wish they were? The Buffalo News has put together a fine list of books for kids to enjoy this Halloween season (including Dick and Jane and Vampires, pictured above). From picture books to middle-grade readers to young adult, this is one of the most comprehensive lists of new…


Shroud Issue #10 ToC

Danny Evarts just posted the Shroud #10 Table of Contents — the special Halloween Issue guest edited by Kevin Lucia. The cover art (and sidebar) are by the always-fabulous Stephen Gilberts. Contributors include: Bob Ford, Kelli Owen, Maurice Broaddus, Rio Youers, Brian J. Hatcher, and MOI. Woooooohooooo! (I mean that in both the excited and spooky way.) As the…