AlphaOops Halloween Contest Update

The above photo was submitted by Pete G., at a Barnes & Nole in Lincoln, Nebraska. Thanks, Pete! Awesome to see I’m on a display somewhere!!

As this contest has gone on, I’ve been learning a lot about how bookstores work, how authors run contests, and exactly how much power one has over how to get one’s book in a bookstore. (Look for my guest blog about it over at Magical Words this weekend.)

Some polite folks have been asking store employees and managers to take photos with the “Oops” sign. Some bookstores (namely, Barnes & Noble) have declined to take a photo because it’s store policy. I understand and respect that.

If this happens to you and you are not able to take a picture, still email me at akontis — at — gmail and tell me your name, the location of the bookstore, and what happened. Please be polite to the bookstore when asking about the status of the book. I want the bookstores to like us, not throw us out the minute we walk in. As long as you send me an email telling me the above information, you will be entered into the contest no matter what.

I have also been getting reports that some bookstores are declining photographs and in turn being excessively rude (namely Barnes & Noble) to participants. In the event that happens, please still send me an email with the store location and a story about what happened. If you also include the name of the employee who was rude to you, I will Curse Them Mightily, as is my right as a Greek Princess.  I can be quite creative, I assure you. I’ve had lots of practice at this.

For the original contest rules, explanation, and whatnot, click to view the original post here.

Happy hunting!